“Neuroculture”, the authors Giovanni Frazzetto and Suzanne Anker’s mentions that the neuroscience field is expressed through our culture, actions, movements, and thoughts, as opposed to being specifically studied in a lab. Giving them the ability to do their research and studies on it with many different creative and unique methods as opposed to specific lab experiments and methods.
Professor Vesna this week talked about the research and lack of knowledge despite vast research that goes into the humans dreams. So little is known about them, and professor Vesna uses examples from researches of the hierarchical architecture of human consciousness. The study of hierachical architecture has had a huge impact on the field of neuroscience and art. Artist Matt Mullican uses and works with the idea of hypnosis (What I consider more of an Art/Show), and its influence on the unconsciousness of the mind. This relationship of the mind and action of the person whose hypnotised shows a unique and interesting connection to Neuroscience and Art. Under this trance the mind is not aware of this process/art, yet still connects to the body to perform certain actions.
Work Cited
-Hypnosis. Digital image. Https://udemy-images.udemy.com/course/750x422/127236_99b7_7.jpg. N.p., n.d. Web.
- A Dangerous Mind Film. Digital image. Http://starcityblog.typepad.com/.a/6a010536966cf9970c0167613c1a2e970b-800wi. N.p., n.d. Web.
-Brainbrow. Digital image. Https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e15/10932419_645971375515265_2146628822_n.jpg. N.p., n.d. Web.
-"Art and the Limits of Neuroscience." Opinionator Art and the Limits of Neuroscience Comments. Web. 17 July 2016.
- Frazzetto, Giovanni, and Suzanne Anker. "Neuroculture." Nature Reviews Neuroscience Nat Rev Neurosci 10.11 (2009): 815-21. Web.
-Vesna, Vitoria. "Neuroscience-pt2.mov." YouTube. Web. 17 July 2016.
-"The Believer - Interview with Matt Mullican." The Believer. 2012. Web. 17 July 2016.
-""Performance Under Hypnosis (Whitney)", Matt Mulligan." YouTube. Web. 17 July 2016.
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